Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Big 2-0

Today we took Quincy to the doctor AGAIN! The daycare had called yesterday afternoon late and said that his eyes were matted up and he was fussy. They thought that he had pink eye and since it is so very contagious they said we should have him checked out before returning. We were in the doctors office this morning at 8am. How is it that we had the very first appointment of the day, the clinic was empty and we STILL had to wait about 30 mins before being seen? Very frustrating. Anyway, poor Quincy. He has an ear infection in each ear.

The doctor had to wash out his ears and he did not like it. John and I both had to hold him down. Even though I knew that this wasn't hurting him, it was difficult for me to watch. He was so upset. So, we got antibiotics again and pain medicine for the infection. Oh, and we've reached twenty lbs. Big milestone.

Tonight we went to eat out. We never ever do this anymore. I was sitting outside Cozymels on a bench with Q waiting for John to come. Every single person that walked out commented on what a smiley happy baby he was. And I know that he didn't feel well. On the way home he cried and he never cries in the car. I just feel so bad for him. I want to take it from him. But, he still remains so happy. I thank God every single day for a healthy, happy, wonderful baby. This is the biggest blessing in the world.

Tomorrow would be my dad's 60th birthday. I can't help but think how Quincy looks like him and wish that he were here to see what a beautiful grandson that he has. Many times his smile or laugh reminds me of my father. I really hope that he keeps his bright blue eyes, they too, remind me of my dad. Quincy has taught me so many things, one of which is to take advantage of every moment. To be happy and find significance in everyday life, because everyday is a gift, a blessing, a chance to love.


julie said...

Quincy: Congratulations on the big 2-0! And I'm sorry that you have that yucky ol' ear infection again. :)

Molly: Congratulations on a sweet baby! I'm so glad that looking at him brings you good memories of your dad--I'll be thinking about you over the next few days.


Jill said...

Great post, Molly.

I hope baby boy feels better soon!


Hillary said...

Neither of my boys showed signs of ear infections until it got to far. I feel your pain with Q's pain. I am really thinking about you right now. I know it is difficult to be away from your parents (whether it is in distance or more), but know that your dad lives on, and that you have many friends and family that love your little one--even if we haven't met him. I hope you have a great day.